To love the Earth is our one desire. |
— Himself |
Kris is so Wiccan it almost hurts. He was a witch before he learned he had magic, and holds nothing more sacred than nature. He is very laid back, mostly due to the fact that his magic tends to get out of control if he doesn't keep himself under a pretty tight leash, and might use his herbalistic knowledge to enhance his chill.
Kris is shy and soft spoken. He is passionate when he can be, but he has to be careful because the more passionate he gets the more likely Uncontrolled magic is likely to happen. So he tends to almost overdose on calming teas and other herbs.
Kristopher doesn't know much about his past or his family, he grew up in the foster system from practically birth. All he has from his birth family is a necklace with a triskele charm, which originally led him into his study of witchcraft, and a sense that he was different. The fact that random things such as everyone getting the munchies, or balls of light appearing, whenever he gets emotional or surprised might have also had something to do with his studies. He is an excellent average student despite moving around constantly in the foster system, and was shocked when he got an invitation and full scholarship from Queensmouth Academy, with the possibility of the scholarship extending through his college years.
COOKING - Competent
DRUMMING - Competent
GARDENING - Expert: Through his magic abilities and tie to the earth his ability to grow things is truly unmatched.
HERBALISM - Expert: Kris's skill at hebalism is a mixture of study experimentation, and is greatly enhanced by his his innate connection and understanting given to him by his plant magic. His ability at potion making with non plant materials is competent.
RITUAL - Novice
SINGING - Competent
VEGETARIAN COOKING - Expert: Kris's skill at when cooking in mostly or completely vegetarian meals is enhanced and tied in with both his plant magic and herbalism skills.
PLANT MAGIC - Supreme: While Kevin doesn't realize how strong his magic is in the area of anything green and growing, he can make seeds sprout instantly and vine in seconds with very little effort. He can enhance herbs' potency by truly alarming factors, and increase other things such as taste. He does it all quite effortlessly and with a innate artistry that often amazes his teachers.
SPELLS - Enhanced: Kris can cast many basic spells, with pretty standard results. And he is quite careful with what he sings so he doesn't accidentally cast spells.
HEXBOYS Kris is the the Drummer and one of the Singers of the small band known as the Hexboys. It gives him a small amount of fame in local circles including the school.
NEW LEAF CAFE The New Leaf Cafe is where Kris works part time, and is also where his band plays most of their gigs. The owners are nice people who help Kris out and turn a blind eye to the fact that their small garden has started producing far more than is remotely possible since Kris started working there.
TRISKELE NECKLACE Kris's necklace is actually a magical charm that grants him a small amount of protection from most things.
WITCHCRAFT EQUIPMENT After coming to the school his teachers set him up with the basics, including potion brewing equipment and a spell book that he's to make for himself using spell of his own design and those copied from the School Library.
EMOTIONAL MAGIC Whenever Kris gets surprised or emotional his powers tend to get out of hand. He has little to no control of them even with the help of his teachers, and effects have ranged from widespread munchies, to all clothes vanishing within 100 feet, to every wooden object in the room taking root and sprouting. There seems to be little rhyme or reason to these magical outbursts.
NAIVE Kris is very naive and trusting. It would not be hard at all to take advantage of him or manipulate him.
PACIFIST Kris hates confrontation and absolute abhors violence. He will defend himself and others if needed. But avoids both as best he can.
POOR Kris is a foster kid going to school on a mysterious scholarship. He has little to no resources otherwise.
SHY Kris is painfully shy. There's no almost to it. He might be an amazing singer and on the drums, but off stage, he's usually to shy to say a word unless he knows the other person well, or has some herbal assistance.