Ros Sevastian

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Full Name:
Rós Sevastian
Young Adult
"Pass This On" - The Knife
Rós (or Ros, if it's easier for people) is a classic bohemian boy working as a fortuneteller at the Carnaval de la Lune Minuit in Port-Au-Feu. But he gets around.


Rós was born somewhere in eastern Europe, and at a young age, he ended up coming along with the acrobats of Le Carnaval de la Lune Minuit. This supernatural carnival wandered the world, putting right wrongs such as rescuing persecuted vampires, werewolves, and other creatures of the night. Rós took to the life and learned as much as he could, becoming a valued part of the travelling entertainers.


Sight Supreme

In a time of great need, Rós can see the threads of the omniverse flowing, in a way, and understand exactly how to affect things in the way he wants. He can only glimpse this when in need, most usually when Rós or someone or something dear to him is placed in some danger, and it will only reveal this for one major situation or problem. His ability to forecast may take a short time to return to its full strength, but if he manages to affect what he has seen will lead to the outcome desired, it will turn out just as he foresaw.


Alchemy - Novice Level

Rós has learned a few things about the brewing of potions and draughts for various purposes. Most of his knowledge is folk knowledge, but it is nonetheless mostly useful in the right occasion.

Business - Novice Level

Rós knows the basics of exchanging currency for goods and services. He can even save a bit here and there! Just don't expect him to be able to run the Carnaval by himself.

Dance - Competent Level

Rós has some great moves. He's trained a little bit in a variety of styles of dance, even bellydance! But he usually just moves to the music.

Entertainment - Competent Level

Rós is an experienced entertainer and has trained with several of the performers at the Carnaval. He's good at handling an audience of one, or an audience of a hundred, and he's pretty comfortable around people, in general. He knows what people are likely to want, and he's good at giving it to them in a way they like.

Fighting - Novice Level

Rós can account for himself decently in a fight. He at least knows how to move to avoid being hit, and he usually tries to keep himself out of a conflict if he can. If drawn into a conflict, he will likely use every move he can, whether dirty or sneaky or not, to extract himself from the situation or, if he has to, to resolve the situation.

Fortunetelling - Competent Level

Though he does possess natural ability in foresight, the profession of fortunetelling requires a blend of skills, including quick analysis of character, reading a person's reactions, and getting a sense of what someone needs to hear to be easy to deal with. He's good at choosing the right things to say and makes a usually fun time of having a person's fortune told.

Horticulture - Competent Level

Rós can grow a wide variety of plants, which includes a number of herbs, spices, and even sacred plants commonly used for magical purposes. He's good at keeping plants alive, and he knows enough to recognize signs of health and distress from most plants.

Knives - Novice Level

Rós carries a knife on him, mostly for utility purposes. He can account for himself pretty decently with it, but he wouldn't consider himself a particularly good knife fighter. Mostly, he will use it to accomplish simple tasks he needs a blade to do. He has trained in some knife throwing, but he was never exceptional at that. He can throw a knife somewhat better than the average person, and he knows well enough how to do it, that he could expect to get close to his target most of the time. However, when talking about a knife, that's not the best.

Language - Competent Level

Rós knows bits from a variety of languages, and occasionally he likes to pepper his speech with words from other languages, whichever one he's speaking. Usually it's English, and he tends to add French terms or occasionally Spanish ones. He could probably manage some conversations in French or Spanish, and he speaks English natively, but other languages like Italian and Czech he doesn't command as skillfully.

Occultism - Competent Level

Rós has picked up a good amount of how to work what would once be called witchcraft, though the things he knows tend to be more collected folk beliefs.

Roguery - Competent Level

Rós can pick or break many different kinds of locks and is good both at securing people and at getting out of attempts to bind or secure him. He's not a world-class master thief or anything like that, but he's quick with his fingers, nimble, and has some training that can get him out of situations others might be stopped by. He regards these skills as essential for survival in the modern world.

Survival - Novice Level

Even though he usually prefers to stay in urban or suburban places, since the living's easier even if a guy has to scavenge, Rós could survive in the wilderness for a while, especially if he has things like shelter taken care of. He excels comparatively at urban survival, though, and could probably survive indefinitely as long as he has a couch to crash on.


Magic: Blood Magic - Enhanced Level

The most effective go-to for Rós magically is blood magic. Typically requiring blood of some kind, usually his own, this magic he has learned over the years is neither gentle nor subtle. While he can use it for a variety of purposes, from healing and protection to hexing and curses, it tends to have a particular cost for Rós. Accordingly, he tends to try every other possibility before resorting to magic.

Magic: Hexcraft - Basic Level

In usually a moment of some kind of passion, be it emotional or otherwise, Rós can fling a hex at the target of his ire. It won't always work, and it's never particularly extreme, but when it does work, it can usually make the victim of a hex have a bad time, for a short stretch. The more concerted effort and the greater focus can be put into it, while still maintaining the level of emotion, the more likely it is to succeed.

Power: The Sight - Enhanced Level

Rós is genuinely gifted with what some call the Sight, second sight, visions, precognition, or simply put, psychic abilities. He occasionally receives precognitive visions that can help him to get to the next step of what he's looking to do or warn him of something likely to happen.

He can genuinely forecast the future of a person, based on their current state, but using things like the tarot, a crystal ball, or even reading the palm or aura of the person will help him get a better and fuller view of their life and what advice he should give them. The better he gets to know someone, the more he will be able to tell them and the better, in general, forecast he will be able to give.

Rós is able to get impressions on demand and is practiced at forecasting through tools like cards and crystals, but he can also just share impressions by being around a person. He still does receive random visions and impulses sometimes, though he is typically fortunate enough that they don't usually occur in situations where they would put him in danger.



Rós is highly adaptable. He tends to find it easy to settle in to a place and readily understands culture. Most situations he finds himself in, he can adapt to them and become comfortable in them quicker than most. He's usually a pretty cool head, unless he or someone he cares about is threatened in some manner.


Le Carnaval de la Lune Minuit is like a family to Rós, and it is his home. If he needed the help of anyone there, he could likely count on it. For this reason, he can be fairly confident in dealing with any type of supernatural person in Port-Au-Feu, since all types are represented in the Carnaval.


Not only does Rós have connections with the Carnaval and, thus, is likely to be able to get out of trouble around Port-Au-Feu just in case, he also has connections with Demogorgon's cannabis empire. This has helped him to augment his earnings from fortunetelling work and allowed him to become something more of a master of his own destiny.


A small creature of some unknown origin, Jeek was at first assumed to be part of a creature from the Outside. However, Rós sensed that he wasn't such a creature and saved him from both the Outside forces and initially misunderstanding allies. Jeek looks something like a tadpole with legs, or perhaps an elongated drop with legs. He also has large, soulful eyes, and he makes small, high-pitched noises which most would probably find adorable. Normally, his skin is on the extremely soft side of leathery, though if he is trying to get away from a threat, he can secrete a very slippery, viscous substance which makes holding onto him very difficult. Jeek is resistant to the effects of Outsiders and the Outside, and he seems to be remarkably tough. If he did happen to have any part cut from him, he would heal the damage and another Jeek would spawn from it. In this way, he is remarkably adaptable, though there is potentially significant risk of excessive proliferation, in the hands of someone far less responsible. He is slightly photosensitive and dislikes intense bright light. Jeek likes to get into mischief, though he usually is a good enough judge of what might be too much. He is, most of the time, friendly and cooperative. He can tell when someone dislikes him or intends him harm, just as he can be sure who his allies are.



Rós is not fond of great heights, but he can tolerate them as long as he's not outside and is relatively safe. He's fine with being on the rooftop of a relatively short building, less than six stories, but anything higher than that or at that level is probably going to make him some level of uncomfortable. The distraction can interfere with things he tries to do and his ability to focus.


Rós knows that a lack of confidence can cause others to become unmanageable, so he usually puts on a brave face. Unfortunately, he's not always brave, and he can sometimes get himself into difficult situations by pretending to be.


Rós is a bohemian in every sense, and he's easy to recognize as such from his heritage and his distinctive manner of dress. Though not so many people are as heavily prejudiced anymore, there are still people out there who will discriminate against him purely on his appearance. Even if it doesn't end up being about his heritage, the inexplicable antipathy towards hippies and the like can cause some assumptions about him.


No matter where he goes, Rós tends to be something of an outsider. Unless he's at the Carnaval, he doesn't quite fit in exactly anywhere. There's always some quality in him that is distinct and different to those around him, in almost any culture or group.

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