Derghar Skalson

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Full Name:
Derghar Skalson
Young Adult
Born to a cursed bloodline, Derghar walks the land seeking a way to rid himself to the demon within. A blacksmith and swordsman by trade, he always keeps moving for fear of what could happen if he sets roots, despite wishing that he could. Tall, brave, and commited, he will not stop till he is free or the demon within wins.


Quiet, a bit sullen, but once past his exterior Derghar is a warm, friendly, caring person who can do little to hide the stress and worry of bearing a demon in his very blood.


Many, many decades before his birth, the demon Flameheart terrorized Derghar's homeland with seemingly no one able to stand against him. That was until Derghar's ancestor rose up, and after a great battle seemingly slew the demon. However, as the family would find out, it was not the case. Instead, they were now bound and cursed as the hosts to Flameheart, who as the generations passed would corrupt and manipulate the family in an attempt to create his 'perfect vessel'. All of his efforts bore fruit, and Derghar was born. At a young age, he showed the signs of the curse by nearly burning down his home, but he also showed a resistance to the curse, not falling at the age of 16 as many had before him. Knowing that he must be free of his curse, he left his profession as a blacksmith and spent two years learning how to fight and survive as a warrior. Once he turned 18, he inherited the cursed bastard sword of his family and fully took on the burden of ridding his blood of Flameheart.


Flameheart Emergence

When in a borderline death state, the Flameheart demon within Derghar's blood will temporarily slip free from his bonds and will take control of his 'Vessal'. This grants Derghar enhanced speed, strength, agility as well as allows him to unleash extremely hot flames he can not use while not in this state.


Blacksmith - Competent Level

Before he set out to be rid of his curse, Derghar had learned how to smith and maintain weapons and armor.

Swordsman - Expert Level

A mix of natural skill and wielding the cursed sword of his family line, Derghar wields his sword as if it were a part of him.


Magic: Flameheart - Enhanced Level

The demon bound to him via a blood curse has granted him some measure of manipulation of flame and some resistance to fire.

Magic: Flameheart Guidance - Enhanced Level

The demon, Flameheart, occasionally will act in his 'self-preservation' and will offer advice, guidance, or act as a second pair of eyes for Derghar.


Flameheart Presence

Unable to hide his cursed blood from those who can sense evil or darkness, Derghar gives off a natural aura of violence.


Derghar is fearful of allowing himself to have friends, loved ones or allies. He can make these bonds, but he will constantly worry and put those he cares for above himself, even at the cost of injury or far worse.

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