Just call me Mason, right? |
— Himself |
Former runaway turned world traveller turned teacher, Mason is an easygoing, if easily distracted wizard. After travelling for most of his life, he settled to pass on his knowledge and acquired wisdom as he tries to decide whether he's going to retire on the mountains or by the sea. He leans slightly towards the latter, but that changes often.
Easygoing, irrevocably loyal and good-natured, Mason greatly enjoys others' company, especially when he can talk freely about his greatest passion, Magic. He does however reatly value his personal time and space, and he rarely allows anyone behind the most private lines. While completely comfortable with all opinions, cultures and ways, he's rigidly set on his own, and extremely protective of them. This results in him sometimes coming off as arrogant, or even agressive. Overall, he strives to understand what's right, and then do it.
Hilariously named Jason Mason was the only child of a perfectly average family, equally far from perfection and disaster. Jason was a joyful, smart kid, always absorbed in some game which seemed to seep into his everyday life. As he grew up, he realized that it wasn't just his imagination to animate his play, it was magic he was doing. His explorations of the magical side of the world started in secret and with all the pure curiosity of a child, which grew into a lifelong engrossment as he discovered new applications for this power. He grew distant as his peers started to see him as weird rather than special, which he felt he was. His teen years were a struggle between that side of him which knew he was indeed extraordinary, and begged to show the world just how much, and the side that feared either uncontrollable repercussions, or the futility of the gesture, as by then the effects of the Mists were starting to become apparent to Jason. So when he was 16 he finally decided to fully embrace his natures and one night he left his home with the vague intent of going to see the world and live. And see the world he did. In the next 15 years, Jason roamed all continents, never staying for more than a few months, seeking for other extraordinary beings like himself. He was overjoyed to find that there was much more to the world than he'd ever considered, and he spent years seeking mentors to learn about their view of magic, using it to hone his own skills and learning about all the creatures and possibilities of the worlds. This until he felt the urge to settle for at least a bit, to organize his knowledge and maybe, just maybe, passing it on, as others had passed their wisdom on to him.
While currently kept for mostly aesthetic reasons, his physique was originally built through constant exertion, and Mason remains capable of enduring greater amount of fatigue and deprivation than most people.
Mason has a solid base in administering non-magical first aid, and has formally refined his training.
Having studied under many mages of various traditions from all over the world, Mason is very well-versed in the vagaries of magical theory, and can identify most spells, methods and traditions by simply examining or even just witnessing them, and can understand the general principles of a written magical text even at a superficial examination.
Observation - Competent Level
Very little escapes Mason's notice, as he's made a habit out of scanning environments and people, and can pick up with ease details most would overlook.
Rapport - Competent Level
Natural inclination and numerous dealings with different cultures and peoples make Mason very socially adept, capable of quickly putting anyone at ease and make them trust him. If need be, he's also perfectly capable of turning this skill to manipulation, but he's generally not inclined to do so.
Magic: Dueling - Enhanced Level
Mason is an accomplished duelist, capable of calling forth elemental forces to strike at his opponent, although he's much more comfortable with a defensive style of fighting and casting. He's also skilled at adapting practical Charms to combat purposes, which may make his attacks less violent and less predictable, and thus more difficult to block or counter.
Magic: Enchantment - Enhanced Level
Mason is a proficient enchanter, capable of melding a spell effect into an object with the purpose of altering its already existing qualities. These spells however cannot be cast on the fly, and require the specific object to be studied beforehand so that the spell can be tailored to its characteristics and the quality that needs to be altered. He's also a skilled wandmaker, capable of adapting the wands he creates to any particular magical style the focus will have to work for.
Magic: Projection - Basic Level
A form of teleportation relatively safe to use in places one can see or knows well, but it has a range of a few hundred miles at the very most, and multiple uses of Projection may lead to Shattering, the arrival of different parts of the body in different points. Moreover, spells that block Projection are simple and generally accessible to most mages.
Magic: Spellcasting - Supreme Level
Natural giftedness paired with constant practice and reliance on magic make Mason an extremely powerful and skilled wizard, well versed in a vast collection of spells he can call upon at a moment's notice. His abilities include the use of practical Charms, Transfiguration and Conjuration of simple objects and elements and Healing. Mason channels his powers by drawing shapes in the air or otherwise waving a wand and pronuncing a short spell, generally in an ancient language or some variation of it. Theoretically, he has the potential to become one of the great wizards of his generation.
One of Mason's most treasured creation, it's a small, unassuming camping tent which happens to be much bigger on the inside. As large as a small apartment, it's been furnished through the years with all the spartan comfort of the average house. When the tent is folded, its weight is that of a normal, empty tent, and its content are fixed in place.
A sharp-looking enchanted broomstick Mason can use to fly as an eagle.
Mason's wand is his own personal creation, cut off a young red oak, with a phoenix feather carefully placed at its core. 13 inches long, it's surprisingly rigid.
Mason's mind is constantly busy, generally with intricate musings about the inner workings of magic and its role in reality, but really anything can make him jump from one mental train to the next. As such, he finds it difficult to fully commit to anything for a long time, or to keep his impatience at bay in social settings, and overall to fully develop his potential.
Mason's style is not very suited to ritual magic, in which he remains mostly unpracticed, nor is his magic compatible with technology: he knows no spells to Conjure or Transfigure technological gadgets, or roughly anything invented from the '20s onwards. Electronics are also highly susceptible to his magic, which through heavy or prolongued exposure can damage or destroy most electrically-powered objects.
Technologically Challenged
Having spent most of his life away from cities, Mason finds it particularly difficult to function in a technologically advanced society. As such, he doesn't know how to operate but the simplest gadgets, and his understanding of the possibilities and dangers non-magical technologies represent is rather limited.
Mason's personal style of magic is heavily reliant on the use of carefully-tuned wands as foci. As such, Mason's powers are at their maximum only when he's using his own wand, and if he's not using one at all he's limited to performing simple, instantaneous effects, generally telekinetic or elemental in nature.