Cedric Diggory

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Full Name:
Cedric Diggory
Heroic Wizard
Cedric Diggory is a dashing young wizard, enrolled at the Academy to perfect his skill with magic. A true friend and faithful companion, Cedric tries to set a good example and works as both a student ambassador and a prefect when he's not busy with his classwork.


Cedric was always the beloved only child of his parents, raised in a world surrounded by magic. He learned a great deal before coming to the Academy, but once there, he quickly became a head of the class and excelled at his subjects. He also took up the uniquely magical sport of quidditch, becoming a captain of his team. He has maintained a high level of popularity among the students and continues to try and embody the virtues of steadfastness, loyalty, patience, and kindness, as he was taught from an early age.


ACADEMICS: Competent - Cedric is a star student and does well in school. He excels at all of the skills required for education, such as research, composition, self-discipline, focus, and so forth.

ATHLETICS: Competent - Cedric is an extremely capable athlete and knows how to play a variety of sports. He is best of all at quidditch, and he is skilled enough to be the captain of a team. He is able to compete at an international level in athletic contests.

FIRST AID: Novice - Cedric has received training in basic first aid and can help the injured without needing magic to do so.

LEADERSHIP: Competent - Cedric is very good at organizing people and getting them to do what he needs them to do. He is a popular figure in circles that know him, and he has the potential to be as well-loved on a much larger scale. He understands how to organize people and direct them, and he could do this with relative ease for a small group of people who are part of the world he knows and understands. Difficulty increases, and chance of success lowers, the larger the group gets or the less familiar they are with his world.

LORE: Competent - Cedric is aware of much more lore of magic, the occult, and the supernatural than a vast majority of people. His education has provided him with a strong foundation of knowledge that he has built upon steadily throughout his time at the Academy. If he doesn't know something, he probably has at least a decent idea of where to find it out.


HEALING: Basic-level Magic - Like all students of the Academy, Cedric has had a basic healing course that can fix minor injuries and stabilize more serious ones.

POTIONCRAFT: Enhanced-level Magic - Cedric has had extensive instruction in the creation of potions for a variety of purposes, from cantrip-level tricks to more serious magical effects. With this knowledge, he is able to create a number of potions, so long as he has the right ingredients. He has also been instructed on how to find those ingredients, where they are typically found, and how to prepare them for magical use. With potions he has crafted before, he has a higher chance of success than potions he has never mixed or doesn't know; the more basic of potions, he needs no new instruction, though with unfamiliar potions, he will need a recipe and to learn about any exotic ingredients.

SPELLCASTING: Enhanced-level Magic - Cedric is a star student of magic and wizardry. He always excels at knowledge and ability, and he is able to perform at the pinnacle of his peers. He is assisted by a physical focus of some kind, typically his personal wand, but has learned how to focus on virtually any physical focus. His magic tends to have a spoken component as well, typically a name or phrase associated with the spell; this is a convention of his particular school of spellcasting.

Without a focus, magic is much more challenging, but he may be able to pull off spells, albeit with less certainty of success and sometimes lower potency or effect. He is learning outside of his individual school, but it will take time and effort for him to be able to approach magic in different ways than he already knows.


LOVABLE - All things considered, Cedric is almost ridiculously easy to like. Even people competing against him and even those cast as his rivals tend to like him. He's strongly charismatic and just seems to be the nice person that people enjoy being around. He has a bright smile, his eyes are clear and brilliant, and he's often uplifting by his presence alone.

STEADFAST - Cedric is dedicated, resolute, and loyal. These qualities have served him well, and they have been a large part of his popularity with others. He is admired and appreciated by many, and these traits can help him to be well-received by even those who do not know him well.

STRONG-WILLED - Cedric is tremendously strong-willed. Though this can at times cross the fine line into stubornness, Cedric is the rare person who can recognize the limit and typically does not step over it. He is extremely difficult to influence, especially to do anything that he does not agree with or want to do. Even mental abilities and curses have a lower chance of success on Cedric's resolve.

WAND - Cedric owns a wand for spellcasting and magic, which was crafted by an artisan. It is made from ash, about a foot long, and has a core of a unicorn hair. The wand will be most effective in his hands, due to the circumstances of its crafting and the materials of which it consists. Others may use it, but they will tend to have less degree of success and may even have difficulty using it; someone with drastically different traits and personality may find it impossible to use.


FOCUS - Cedric's spells tend to have a physical and, often, semantic focus. Without both of these present, it makes the process of casting a spell much harder and much less likely to be successful. His personal wand is a treasured focus, and without it, he finds spellcasting much more difficult. He's still learning how to cast without reliance on these things, but currently it is a significant challenge for him.

NICE - Sometimes, Cedric is too nice and can let himself be taken advantage of by those who have fewer scruples than he does. He more often looks for reasons to believe someone, and to believe in them, than he does for reasons to suspect them or disagree with them.

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Queensmouth Academy.jpgQueensmouth Academy