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< Template:Superimpose
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{{Superimpose}} is a utility template which superimposes one image on top another. The position of the superimposed image is relative to the top left corner of the underlying image. It is often used to display a location mark on a map image, but it can be used with any two images.


Example 1

  | base = Arcadia.jpg
  | base_width = 500px
  | base_alt = Located in the Bay of Omens
  | base_caption = Arcadia Map
  | float = Red dot.png
  | float_width = 10px
  | x = 95
  | y = 80
Located in the Bay of Omens

Example 2

  | base = Remy LeBeau.jpg
  | base_width = 300px
  | base_caption = Blank Image
  | float = ImageFrame.png
  | float_width = 300px

Using the Template

To get started, you can simply copy this blank definition into your page, and fill in the data.

  | align = 
  | base = 
  | base_width = 
  | base_alt = 
  | base_caption = 
  | float = 
  | float_width = 
  | x = 
  | y = 


  | align = 
  | width = 
  | base = 
  | float = 
  | float_caption =

The following blank definition includes all the parameters, including those less-commonly used.

  | align = 
  | width = 
  | base = 
  | base_width = 
  | base_alt = 
  | base_caption = 
  | base_link = 
  | float = 
  | float_alt = 
  | float_width = 
  | float_caption = 
  | float_link = 
  | x = 
  | y = 

Parameter Definitions

  • align: left, right, center, or none
  • base: File name of the base (underlying) image.
  • base_width: Width to display the base image, in pixels. If not specified, then defaults to the width.
  • base_alt: Alt text for the image. This should describe the composite image.
  • base_caption: Text to show when the mouse courser hovers over the base image; ignored if base_link is specified to be empty.
  • base_link: Name of page that the user will be sent to if they click on the base image. The special value "file:", stands for the file page for the base image. If empty, nothing happens if the user clicks on the base image. The default is "file:".
  • float: File name of the superimposed image.
  • float_width: Width to display the superimposed image, in pixels. If not specified, then defaults to the width.
  • float_alt: Alt text for the superimposed image. This is needed only if float_link is nonempty. Normally the alt text for the base image describes the combination of the two images, and this parameter is not needed.
  • float_caption: Text to show when the mouse courser hovers over the superimposed image; ignored if float_link is missing or empty
  • float_link: Name of page that the user will be sent to if they click on the superimposed image. This acts like base_link, except it is for the top image, and it defaults to empty.
  • width: Default width for both the base and float. This is not required if base_width and float_width are both specified.
  • x: distance to offset the left edge of the superimposed image from the left edge of the base image, in pixels or any other CSS units.
  • y: distance to offset the top edge of the superimposed image from the top edge of the base image, in pixels or any other CSS units.


Template adapted from wikipedia.org