
From Wilde Adventures MUX Wiki
Revision as of 07:44, 12 March 2022 by Prime (talk | contribs)
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Basic Rules

Our rules are actually very simple! As long as we all abide by them, the game will be much more fun!

  • Staff has last say, but that doesn't mean players are going to be ignored.
  • Don't abuse other players. If someone asks you to stop, please stop. If you have a problem with someone, please try to work it out civilly between you. If it's just not working, ask a staffer to help. (This is further detailed in the Courtesy section, below.)
  • Never make RL threats of any kind to someone on our game.
  • Do not attempt to hack or otherwise damage the game.
  • Do not do anything illegal on our game.
  • Characters on the game must all abide by our Character Rules.

Wiki-specific Rules

  • No explicit/gratuitous content posted in the logs or anywhere on the wiki.
  • No illegal content on the wiki, either!
  • While the ownership of characters and images belongs to original creators, the wiki pages may remain after the players stop playing, though the characters (unless not originally owned by the player) will no longer be played.


Wilde Adventures is a consent-based MUX, which means that conflicts are solved by agreement. The foundation of this system is a mutual maturity and respect. Poses should generally be open-ended, for example trying to punch someone, not assuming your attack connects. Be clear in your poses, and let the other players know about the power of your character. Being clear and approachable helps a great deal.

Your character cannot, for example, be killed without your consent. (In fact, player characters cannot be killed at all without staff approval.) Remember that role-play is cooperative. In order for it to be fun, everyone works together to make it so. However, remember that in character actions have in character consequences. If your character punches an enraged werewolf in the face, you should be prepared to deal with the repercussions of those actions.


No fandom bashing or other negativity toward what others choose to role-play will be tolerated. This game is meant to be a fun place where people tell stories and have a good time. If you don't like something, then you have every right in the world not to play about it! We will always defend that right. By the same token, we will defend the rights of others to play what they want, within our rules, without being given crap for it.

We want to foster a welcoming and safe environment for everyone who comes to the game in a spirit of acceptance and cooperation, and so while we respect that players may come from a variety of backgrounds and hold a variety of opinions, we do ask that the game generally not become a platform for debate, politics, or similarly divisive subjects.

If you are informed that another player is upset by or uncomfortable with a behavior being directed at them, you must cease said behavior toward them. Similarly, if someone expresses discomfort with a general topic in the game's OOC lobby or on a Public discussion channel, we ask that said topic be moved to another venue, such as pages or some particular other channel. We ask that all players do their best to respect the comfort zones of others to foster a welcoming and safe environment.

As a final thought for this section, we ask that players be considerate of one another in terms of their role-play choices. While we make it a priority for players to be free to explore play that they enjoy, it's important to bear in mind that no one is an island, and a big part of RP is comprised of the relationships between characters. So, if something you want to do is likely to have a significant impact on other characters around you, it's often a good idea to discuss it with them and see how you can work them into the story in a way that is constructive and fun for everyone.

The next section of this file deals with inclusion and non-discrimination.

Inclusion and Non-Discrimination

Pertaining to the matter of inclusion, staff wishes to state plainly that we will tolerate no discrimination on this game based on any quality such as any representation of culture, gender, race, sexuality, or similar personal properties. In OOC terms, we expect that these matters never be made issue of and that all players are treated with equal, inclusive respect and courtesy.

Obviously, in some cases we may learn our comfort zones have some flexibility, particularly as it comes to humor, but please make sure that attempts at humor come from a respectful rather than a hurtful place. Nobody, certainly not staff, wants to play the "PC police." Further, we strongly urge players to be accepting and inclusive of others in IC terms such as is reasonable.


Sexuality is part of the human experience, and character romance is in many ways a staple of the themes we draw upon here. As such, we are entirely comfortable with characters exploring the intimate side of their lives through role-play (often called "TinySex" or "TS"). However, please do not eschew or avoid public role-play, plots, or other story-driven RP, which is what the game is really here for, to lock characters away and do nothing but private, intimate, and/or TS role-play. Please also note that sexual activity of any sort that would be considered illegal in Real Life is something we do not officially endorse on the game. However, as all players on the game are, OOC, required to be consenting human adults, we will not take any steps to police what you do in private. Moreover, as we do not monitor all game activity, we cannot be held responsible for what you do in private; however, we expect that only ethical conduct between consenting adults will take place on the game. Public scenes (meaning those that might be posted as logs) should not contain any sexual content that would get one arrested in Real Life. (This includes public indecency between consenting adults--posted logs should be generally safe for public consumption.)


Submitting Complaints to Staff

If you believe that another player is guilty of violating the rules in some way, that the player represents a danger to the game's security, or that the player has given serious offense to you, such as an actual threat against your real-life person, staff should be notified.

Please note that unless one of these conditions is met, you should not submit a formal complaint. You may seek advice from staff about dealing with a player you simply dislike, but unless they are engaged in actual rule-breaking behaviors, staff will not be likely to take action. However, if the behavior is severe enough to warrant a change to the game's rules, then staff may certainly have to act, regardless.

To submit a formal complaint, please use the '+complain' command as follows: '+complain <player you're complaining about>=<explanation>, such as '+complain Mary Sue=Mary Sue is violating News Consent by...' Every complaint must include a log of the incident, or staff cannot do anything about it. Logs may be submitted via link from a site such as or via email to, as is preferred.

Players who are complained about are not entitled to know who made the complaint, as the issue is between them and the game rules, not with the complaining player. Similarly, players who submit a complaint will be informed when staff has dealt with the matter, but they will not be privy to the result of the complaint, as that remains between staff and the player who made the offense. This is to avoid retalliation or other undue in-fighting between players; staff prefers to be the "bad guy" when necessary to avoid escalating inter-player conflicts.


Breaking the rules of the game carries specific consequences. Staff will always strive to judge any perceived rule violations as fairly as we can, and no major decisions will ever be made about such matters by any one staff member, but will instead be decided by staff consensus. Consequences for breaking rules will be applied as fairly as possible, but as the rules of the game have been established for the sake of preserving an enjoyable environment for everyone to play in, understand that we do take the game's rules seriously and expect players to follow them as best they can, both in terms of the "letter" and the "spirit" of the rules.

Any violation of the game's rules will be dealt with by staff as needed on a case-by-case basis. Usually this will mean staff trying to help players work through any issues, but in the case of certain behaviors, players may be banned without warning. Thease behaviors include:

  • Any attempt to threaten the game's security, destabilize the database, or otherwise damage the game itself
  • Any attempts to compromise the safety or security of players on the game or serious threats against their personal safety

Much of the code and the content of many of the News files on this game were contributed by staffers from other games. They are used with permission.