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|rank=Engineering Crewman
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|position=Engineer on the GSS Escapade

Latest revision as of 16:15, 28 July 2020


Full Name:
GEAS Engineering Crewman.pngEngineer on the GSS Escapade
Young Adult
He's pretty sure he's human, but you never can tell. Born on a backwater planet, Ryk uses his skill as a mechanic and his questionable morality to make what amounts to a living in this man's galaxy. Just don't ask him to talk about it.


Ryk just wants to be left alone with his machines. Machines don't lie to you or take advantage of you (and if they do, he can fix them so they won't). Machines won't leave you to die on some backwater planet. Machines won't die and leave you to be taken prisoner and dumped out on a world that immediately tries to take advantage of you.

Sentient beings suck. They're really only good for one thing -- and he does love that one thing.


It begins with a baby, alone and abandoned on a backwater planet. Was he born there? Was he left behind when another invading force found nothing but dirt and poor farmers inhabiting it? Who can say? All the farmer who found the baby knew were two things: one, the baby looked human enough and two, the child would die without looking after. So it was that a son came to the house of Rigus Shortman and his wife Edda.

The child was only identified by a single word on a bracelet around his wrist: Auryx, a name that became 'Ryk' to his new parents and would be his primary name for the rest of his life. A big, robust child, he was a welcome addition to the farm, particulary when he started exhibiting a real talent for repairing the dilapidated machinery around the dirt-poor homestead. By the time he had seen thirteen Terran years, he had fixed all the machinery around the farm, and was taking in repair work from neighboring spreads.

The backwater planet he lived on had one thing going for it: proximity to a highly-contested planet that was coveted for the abundance of natural resources it possessed. Ryk's home planet was a perfect staging area, and it was not uncommon for invading forces to stage there in anticipation of the attack. It was during one of these stagings in his fifteenth Terran year that Ryk's life changed forever. The nearby planet, sick of invaders, decided to attack the staging area and head off the most recent attack. The planet was carpet-bombed, with civilians and invaders alike falling in wholesale slaughter. Even Ryk's home didn't go unscathed: the farm and his parents were destroyed. A fact Ryk discovered when he awoke several hours later, naked and unharmed. He was alone. Literally.

Wandering around the smoldering remains of his home, Ryk was found by a patrol from the nearby planet, and taken prisoner as suspected enemy agent. He was taken to the neighboring world, where his innocence was determined and he was released.

Stunned by the well-advanced technology of the new planet, Ryk drifted for several days until hunger drove him to find work in a hangar as an assistant. Before too long, he was a full-on mechanic, and drawing the attention of several important people, not all of them on the up-and-up. Given the option of working forever for a violent criminal enterprise or being murdered, he chose the only obvious option: he hired onto the first vessel heading into deep space. Who knows what adventure he'll find out there?


BOXING: Competent - One of the ways Ryk deals with his anger is in the ring. Boxing allows him to temper his...ah...temper the rest of the time. The trouble really is finding opponents big enough to spar with him.

MECHANICS: Expert - Ryk has an uncanny aptitude for the workings of machines and propulsions systems. Given a few minutes to study any engine or machine, he can understand it well enough to repair it. With a couple of hours study, he can build a copy.

UNARMED COMBAT: Competent - Ryk has big hands. They make big fists. Ryk can use those to beat up palookas what ain't on the up and square. Again, he's no martial arts master, but he can throw most guys around and clobber them pretty good.

WEAPONS: Competent - Ryk can fire a gun, stab a knife, and swing a club with the best of them. Enough to stay alive this long, anyway. He's not a mercenary or a soldier -- just a lug protecting what's his. It may not look pretty, but it'll do in a pinch.


REGENERATION: Enhanced-level Power - Ryk has the ability to heal at an accelerated rate. This can range from a few minutes for minor injuries like cuts and sprains to a few hours for more serious wounds like broken bones or amputation. A mortal wound can take up to a day.

STRENGTH: Basic-level Power - Ryk is stronger than an average human his size, but not excessively so. He can easily raise a car-sized object with one hand, and lift it over his head with two, but that's as much as he can do on his own.

TECH: Enhanced-level Power - What Ryk thinks is aptitude is really a genetic ability to perceive and understand technology quickly. While not a technopath, there are very few technologies in the known universe that Ryk can't eventually suss out and replicate.



MYSTERIOUS BIRTH - Ryk does not know his parents or even if he's human. He appears to be, but his size and coloring say otherwise. This lack of identity gnaws at him, even if he never acknowledges it outwardly. Family and inclusion are unfilled desires that Ryk refuses to address, preferring instead to make himself indispensible to whatever crew he's on.

STUBBORN - Ryk can be very stubborn, particularly when he's angry. This can cause him to make bad decisions. Like, really bad. HUGELY bad decisions.

TEMPER - Ryk can be short-tempered and volatile, particularly when he's frustrated. This can cause him to act without thinking, something that's gotten him into trouble on more than one occasion.

The following logs feature Auryx: No pages meet these criteria.

Faction Memberships


GEAS Engineering Crewman.png Crewman
Auryx is an engineer for GEAS, holding the rank of crewman.

GSS Escapade

Engineering Crewman
Auryx is an engineering crewman aboard the GSS Escapade.

Character Connections