Te'rek Kasai

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Full Name:
Te'rek Kasai
Jedi Knight
Young Adult
A Jedi Knight from the era of the Old Republic, he followed the path of the Guardian, and served the Republic and the Jedi with honor and pride, however the Cathar has found himself displaced in time. Unsure of what has left him in the here and now, he none the less has begun working to re-establish contact with the Jedi and figure out how he can best make his place in the new world.


A dedicated and trustworthy Jedi Knight, Te'rek Kasai serves with honor and integrity at the will of the Council and the Republic. He will choose to do what's right over what's easy, and will put himself in harm's way without a second thought at a moment's notice. As a Jedi Guardian, his primary goal is to safeguard the Republic and serve as a peacekeeper and defender of justice.


Te'rek Kasai was born on the planet of Cathar, and from a young age showed a very strong affinity for the Force. Picked out by a Jedi who was visiting the planet, he was let go by his parents and taken to the Jedi temple on Coruscant. While still a Padawan, he managed to survive the Sacking of Coruscant but his master was killed, and he was sent to another temple to continue his training. Eventually he was sent to Tython to finish his training under master Orgus Din.

After helping to save the temple from a rogue Jedi, Te'rek was raised to the rank of Knight and sent off to help the Republic in the budding war against the Sith Empire. He served with honor, helping to track down stolen super weapons and fight against the empire. However at some point after several years of serving the Jedi, he was taking his ship into hyperspace but when he came out of hyperspace, found himself in a galaxy he had never seen before. He was unsure of where he had wound up, and is now seeking answers.