Verdant Dream

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The Verdant Dream
Long-Distance Excursion Shuttle
Moon Flower Transport

The Verdant Dream is a Long-distance Excursion Shuttle model, a variation on standard Moon Flower Transport vessels manufactured by Galactic Explorers Alliance Starfleet. Its systems and engineering are fancy, yet not top of the line. It is capable of quick movement and high maneuverability through space and has capable shields, yet little offensive capabilities. It is armed with a tractor beam and an electromagnetic pulse cannon capable of disabling the weapon systems of other ships.

Technical specifications

Manufacturer........: Galactic Explorers Alliance Starfleet
Model...............: Long-Distance Excursion Shuttle
Class...............: Moon Flower Transport
Length..............: 52 meters
Nav. Computer.......: GEAS Upgraded
Sublight Drive......: GEAS Upgraded
Atmosphere Speed....: 1,050 KPH/650 MPH
Hyperdrive..........: 0.75
Defenses............: Enhanced level deflector shields; Enhanced+ level Duralloy hull
Armament............: 1 Enhanced level tractor beam (forward arc)
                      1 Enhanced+ level ion cannon (dorsal turret)
Crew................: 1 pilot; 1 co-pilot; 1 gunner; 3-5 passengers (Skeleton crew: 1)
Cargo Capacity......: 800 tons (largely devoted to hydroponics)
Consumables.........: 1 year stored supplies (indefinite, thanks to hydroponics)