Kel Taurandir

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Full Name:
Kelvaril Taurandir
Kel Wanderwood
Friend of the Wilds
Born Kelvaril Taurandir, he is as readily known as Kel Wanderwood.

Traveling the wilds of Arcadia, he has been known to spend time in most parts of the world. He especially favors the forests, such as the elven nation of Sylvania and the Omenwood and its environs to the north.

He does not eschew civilization, but neither does he reside there.

Often accompanied by animal companions, he is a friend to Nature and to those who treat it with respect.


Long years ago, a human knight from Altur was joined by an elven mystic from Sylvania on a quest to the distant south. On their journey, they are said to have confronted evil creatures and done good in the world, offering aid to those they met. Her blade and shield offered defense, and his magics offered healing and protection. These same offered great harm to those who would harm the world. After one of their many journeys, they returned to Sylvania, accompanied by their child, whom they had named Kelvaril Taurandir.

When they departed upon dangerous adventures, the child was left in the company of relatives in Sylvania or Altur, but he would always disappear into the forest before long, only to return regularly, especially to reunite with his parents. After he came of age, his parents went on another extended quest, and he began to wander the wilds on his own. While his path differs from his parents, he still seeks adventure and love as well, and just as his parents before him, he has set out to do good in the world.


Awakening the Land

At times of great need, Kel is able to draw on his bond to Nature in a special way. While normally he benefits from this bond, under such circumstances he can offer something back, granting the natural world around him the autonomy and freedom of a sapient being. Trees may walk, and plants may grasp. Animals may grow stronger and bolder. In short, Nature awakens and is empowered, becoming a force of terrifying power to behold. This is not an ability that answers Kel's own need, but rather it is one that comes when the land and its creatures are under dire threat. If something puts the plants and animals of an area at risk, then Kel can commune with them and empower them to protect themselves. In exchange, they will most often also protect him and his allies, so he can take advantage of this to, say, protect a threatened settlement if the threat would also endanger the natural world. However, Nature does not obey Kel's commands. He can awaken the natural world, and he can fight beside it, but he does not control it.


Animal Ken - Expert Level

Archery - Expert Level

Athletics - Expert Level

Larceny - Competent Level

Magic - Competent Level

Medicine - Competent Level

Melee Combat - Competent Level

Nature - Expert Level

Perception - Expert Level

Rapport - Expert Level

Riding - Expert Level

Sailing - Competent Level

Scholarship - Competent Level

Science - Novice Level

Stealth - Expert Level

Survival - Expert Level

Technology - Novice Level


Innate: Awareness - Enhanced Level

Kel's senses are all of Enhanced level, and he has extremely keen situational awareness and sensitivity to the world around him, even without directly considering his strong connection to the natural world.

Innate: Dexterity - Supreme Level

As one of elven blood, Kel's natural dexterity and agility are quite strong. His training and personal aptitudes also make him exceedingly nimble, resulting in levels of dexterity that go far beyond those of ordinary beings. He is able to effortlessly move through treetops by leaping from branch to branch, run lightly across snow without leaving a trace, or potentially even snatch arrows in midair. He is also quite swift when running, climbing, swimming, and so forth.

Elf Heritage

Kel's elven blood is dominant enough that he has not aged past physical maturity, he is immune to disease, and he is highly resistant to supernatural forms of darkness and corruption. He enjoys the various benefit of an elven bloodline, though he is visibly of mixed heritage to anyone who knows what to look for.

Gear: Elven Armor - Enhanced Level

Kel wears armor made from cured ironwood leaves, using elven techniques to turn them into "leather." Given their toughness to begin with, as well as the enhancement granted by this process, the resulting armor is resistant to the weather and elements, offers excellent moderate-level personal protection, and is extremely comfortable and easy to move in.

Gear: Elven Sword - Enhanced Level

Kel bears a blade forged by elven smiths. It is of excellent quality, resists damage, and the blade never loses its edge. Some especially evil creatures may find the pure aura it gives off painful.

Weapon: Magic Bow - Supreme Level

As part of his bond with Nature, Kel has learned to shape any living branch into an enchanted bow. He can only have one such weapon at a time, and he must personally wield it or it becomes simply another piece of wood, but while in his hands the bow becomes virtually unbreakable, creates arrows out of pure primal magic, and can fire them at great speed with the range of a longbow. With a moment's focus, he can even rain arrows down on an area around him, though he is cautious about doing this given the potential to harm innocent creatures.

Innate: Mind - Enhanced Level

Born with a naturally sharp mind and strong will, Kel has only refined these qualities over time. He is not at the pinnacle of mental development, but he certainly stands out from the crowd and is significantly more capable than an average person when it comes to mental matters.

Innate: Nature Bond - Supreme Level

Born with the potential to develop a strong bond with the natural world, Kel has fostered and cultivated this aptitude throughout his life. He is now keenly attuned to Nature, and as such he is able to sense with Supreme-level insight the nature of flora and fauna around him. He can hear the songs of trees and easily emotionally bonds with animals. Communicating with animals in particular comes easily to him, and he frequently has multiple animal friends at any given time. As a result of Kel's bond to Nature, he is also naturally gifted with restorative primal energies. He can heal himself or others, and he can share through his bond the same revitalizing energies that keep him young and vital. As a result of this connection, other beings who routinely spend time around him tend to also benefit from the same longevity and resilience, from his animal friends to his humanoid companions.

Innate: Physique - Enhanced Level

Kel's physique is quite robust due in part to his elvish heritage and in part to his strong connection to Nature. Due to this, he is stronger and tougher than a typical human or elf would be, as well as more resistant to toxins, harsh conditions, and so forth.



As one who has wandered far and wide and often aided others, despite his lack of personal wealth he tends to have friends anywhere he goes. Just about anyplace he turns up, there's someone willing to offer him a hot meal or, if it were needed, shelter or other assistance. These aren't generally mighty warriors willing to fight on his behalf, just various people he's met who are willing to show him kindness in return for what he's shown them.

Animal Companions

Kel is often accompanied by various animal friends. These creatures benefit from his Nature Bond, so they are always especially physically hardy and robust, and they are bonded with empathic connection to Kel, himself. These creatures often have highly enhanced traits, and they also provide Kel and anyone near him with restorative energies, offering soothing and uplifting support that comforts and heals the minds of those around them.


Kel tends to live on the move, so he carries everything he tends to need with him. This includes various herbs and cures, survival supplies, and all the other essentials that an wandering adventurer requires. It does not include significant magical items or weapons that have not been otherwise noted on his sheet.



A life lived closely to Nature has left Kel with very little interest in social artifice. He is not unduly coarse or blunt, but he tends to speak his mind plainly, and he has little skill with or inclination toward deception.


As with many others of a heroic persuasion, Kel is extremely loyal to those he cares about. This means he will render them aid when needed, and he will seek to protect and care for them even if it comes at a personal cost.

Nature Bond

While Kel does not regard it as a weakness, his bond to Nature does come with limiting factors. His close bond to animals and plants means he treats them with especial care. He cannot abide wanton harm done to the natural world, and he certainly does not eat meat of any kind. Moreover, if he comes across a threatened natural place or an animal in need, he will certainly choose to render aid.

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