Less talking, more fighting. |
— Himself |
Born into raging flames and rescued by Rhea to become one of her Titan Seeds, Wonder Boy is an up and coming teen superhero and one of the founding members of the Teen Titans. Without any memories from his past, the young man must forge his own destiny as the other adolescent sidekick of Wonder Woman.
Donny feels a burning need to protect those who cannot defend themselves. It is this need that inspires him to be the bravest when protecting others and his determination pushes to do things not many others can. All in all, Wonder Boy just wants to become a full-fledged hero, to protect others and for the thrill of battle. Even when he's getting hurt, a good battle with a capable opponent gets his blood pumping and makes him feel truly alive.
Don Alexander did not know his parents. Little does he know, he had none. He was sculpted by Ares in the image of the Amazon warrior, Princess Diana, and brought to life by Zeus, thinking the Amazons may one day become too powerful for even the gods. It was Eris, in the guise of the Queen of Gods, who intervened, however, and made sure tragedy would strike the babe at an early age.
Placed in the raging fires of a city orphanage, his only saving grace was the Titan Rhea who took the child to her home world of New Chronus where she and the rest of the Titans of Myth granted the child inhuman and extraordinary powers. For thirteen of his years, the child, who they had named Don Alexander Troy, resided on New Chronus with the Titans and the other children who, like him, would one day becomes Gods and Goddesses but were called the Titan Seeds for the time being.
On his thirteenth year, Rhea realized that Donny was more than the dying child she saved but the boy that could save them. To learn how to fight and to be taught humility and compassion, he was sent to Earth where he would be discovered by Wonder Woman. In order to do this, they removed the child's memories. Seeing his gifts and taking pity on his seemingly hopeless state, Diana trained the child and raised him as one of her own. He showed amazing skill in hand-to-hand, with a staff, a sword and with a lasso. So much so that he was given his own set of weapons and armor. He became Wonder Boy by her side. Once this identity had been created, he was enrolled in a boarding school for teenage superheroes.
ARTISTRY - Novice: Singing, painting, clayworking...the legendary Greek figures who raised him taught him well.
ATHLETICS - Expert: The Greeks invented the Olympics, after all. He is fit and is capable of playing pretty much any sport with ease once he has a chance to learn it. He is fast, strong, dexterous, etc.
COMBAT - Expert: Trained by the Titans of Myth and later the Amazons of Themyscira, Donny's combat expertise has been tested again and again by some of the most experienced fighters in the universe. He is skilled with almost any weapon, save the more modern ones.
EDUCATION - Competent: Unbeknownst to him, most of Donny's education comes from the Titans of Myth and shows itself naturally.
IMITATION - Expert: Donny doesn't know where or how he gained this ability, but he can perfectly match the pitch and tone of anyone's voice after hearing it once. So perfectly that it's impossible to tell the difference between him and the original owner.
PHOTOGRAPHY - Competent: Due to his senses and a keen eye, Donny has proven himself to be an accomplished photographer.
ANIMAL EMPATHY - Enhanced: With this ability, Donny can communicate with animals!
EMPATH - Enhanced: Donny can feel and read the emotions of people as easily as any other sense. This power also makes most forms of mind control impossible to use on him.
FLIGHT - Enhanced: Donny can fly at supersonic speeds within the atmosphere and, while in space, can easily escape velocities. Like most of his abilities, this too is one granted to him by the Titans of Myth.
HEALING - Enhanced: Donny is immune to toxins, diseases, and poisons. More importantly, he can heal from most wounds and injuries within minutes or hours based on the graveness of the blow.
INVULNERABILITY - Enhanced: Needing him to be almost unkillable, the Titans of Myth gave Donny invulnerability. He can endure being slammed through buildings, smashed into trees, and otherwise struck with great force. It still hurts, and he may even be thrown around like a ragdoll, but he can survive the beating and even the vacuum of space.
MAGIC - Enhanced: One of the many abilities gifted to him by the Titans of Myth, Donny has a high resistance to magic attacks which makes him an exceptional choice to face the foes that use it as their main attack in battle.
SENSES - Enhanced: As one of the Titan Seeds, Donny was given the gift of heightened senses. All five of them can be used, at any given moment, at superhuman levels.
SPEED - Enhanced: Another ability granted by the Titans of Myth, Donny can move at extraordinary speeds, faster than the human eye can track. He can deflect bullets and other projectiles much in the same way as his mentor and adoptive mother.
STRENGTH - Supreme: A gift from the Titans of Myth...Donny's strength is godlike and improves as he ages. He can tear through steel and flip cars with ease.
AMAZON GEAR Forged by the smiths in Themyscira, Donny wields an Amazon magical sword, shield, and set of armor.
GAUNTLETS Forged of steel and crafted from Amazon magic, the Braclets of Submission are virtually indestructible. With his reflexes and these cuffs, Donny can repel projectiles, blades and straight on unarmed attacks. He can also deflect an object back at his enemies with them.
LASSO OF DOMINATION Made of golden threads, this lasso forces anyone caught in it to do as Donny commands so long as his willpower is stronger than theirs. And his will is legendary. When its power is active, the lasso glows brighter.
BOUND If Donny is bound in a manner he cannot easily break free of, his powers are lost for as long as he is bound.
MEMORIES Donny is a pawn in some greater scheme created by Gods and Titans. To Ares, he is a weapon against the Amazons, and to the Titans of Myth, he is the child who will one day replace them as a god. For now, he is on Earth to reach maturity but without his memories. He will eventually be summoned back to New Cronus to claim his heritage and restore the legacy of the Titans. The memories he once had are alive, though, and can be disorienting or outright scary at times.
PIERCING ATTACKS Extreme blunt force, high pressures, even space does not affect Donny. But blades, bullets, or piercing attacks of any kind will break his skin if not deflected by his gauntlets.