Rokudou Rinne

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Full Name:
Rokudou Rinne
Ghost/spirit hunter?
That hundred thousand yen...I mean that evil giving power to Hanako-san?!

— Himself

Rinne's first name is written in hiragana, so there's no hidden meaning in the kanji. Rinne is the Japanese abbreviation for "reincarnation". His family name, Rokudo, means "six paths", a reference to the sixth paths to reincarnation, in other words the six ways you can be reincarnated, which are as a deva, an asura, a human, an animal, a hungry ghost, or simply sent to hell.


Rinne Rokudo describes himself as a "sort of" shinigami, or god of death. He ferry's souls between the land of the living and dead, and most of the spirits he encounters are stuck in the living world with unresolved needs. Rinne patiently tends to the spirits he encounters, even when it would be easier to simply banish them into the afterlife.

When battling he's careful with his strategies and battle plans. He respected women in is past, even calling them by their whole name once he gets to know them. He's quite the protective of others. He also hates wasting money over useless things or when he has to pay an extreme amount, that's why he often takes "emotional damage" and cries tears of blood when his money is wasted.


Rinne is the son of Sabato and an unknown mother. He is part Shinigami because his grandfather is a human and his grandmother, Tamako, is a shinigami. Fifty years ago, Tamako was supposed to reap the soul of a human man, but they fell in love with each other instead. She agreed to prolong the life of the man for 50 years, in exchange for reaping more souls; this meant she had to work ten times more than she normally would. Tamako also agreed that if she didn't reach her goal, her debt will be passed through her descendants. It was believed that she wasn't able to reach her goal, and her work was passed on to Rinne, her grandson. Thus, Rinne is burdened by his grandmother's promise. It is later revealed that the original debt was fully paid off, but Sabato Rokudo had taken out many loans with Rinne as his unwilling cosigner and left the debts to the latter.

Rinne went to both human school and shinigami school, so he was pretty much living both lifes, Shinigami school is where he was training his skills as a shinigami. His school in the human world is where he learned everything else that he needed to know about the world. When he grew up he decided to stay in the human world and go to school there, but his grandmother wants him to live in the after life. on occasion he does attend shinigami lectures where he can get 'free' shinigami tools.


EXORCISM - Competent: Being a shinigami, Rinne's true job is to exorcise and help spirits that were unable to pass on and cut their ties to these worlds, bringing them to the Wheel of Reincarnation.

FLYER - Competent: just like using a scythe he has been flying since he could remember. But, there is a flaw, he can only fly when wearing his haori of the underworld.

SCYTHING - Competent: He has been training with scythes ever since he was five years old.


FLIGHT - Enhanced: When wearing the Haori of the Underworld, Rin is able to fly swiftly through the air, reaching up to supersonic speeds if he expends enough energy.

INVISIBILITY - Enhanced: When wearing the Haori of the Underworld, Rin is invisible on all natural light spectra.

PHASING - Basic: Rin is able to pass through solid objects, such as walls.

SHINIGAMI - Supreme: Rinne is a supernatural entity, partly divine in nature. This, coupled with his various trappings, gives him a variety of special abilities. It also means that he is very spiritually potent, and when it comes to dealing with ghosts and similar spirits, he is a very powerful force to be reckoned with.

SHINIGAMI SENSES - Basic: Rinne can sense spiritual auras.

THOUSAND WINDS - Enhanced: By channeling his powers into a supply of paper money, Rinne can whip the bills up into a powerful but localized vortex of air in a flurry around him and then redirect the winds towards a target.


HAORI OF THE UNDERWORLD A lightweight Haori, or short coat worn over a kimono. On Rinne's haori is a red wheel of reincarnation. When worn, the wearer's body becomes ghost-like and invisible to normal human senses. When worn inside-out, the haori makes invisible spirits visible to normal human eyes. This allows Rinne to make many ghosts visible, which makes dealing with them much easier.

HOOP OF JUDGMENT - Enhanced: The Hoop of Judgment is a bracelet, worn on Rinne's left wrist, that can transform into a large hoop when needed. It works as a powerful shield, but it only defends against unjust attacks. The hoop can also ensnare and capture the wearer's target.

SHINIGAMI SCYTHE - Enhanced/Supernatural: A shinigami tool, the scythe allows Rinne to combat both physical and spiritual opponents. Against physical beings, it deals Enhanced level damage, while against purely spiritual beings, it deals Supernatural level damage.

SHINIGAMI TOOLS Rinne uses a broad assortment of shinigami tools, these are the ones that mostly cost him money (which might be a problem) or that he already has with him, the smaller items that is. One that he tends to use is a Tsukumogami Sticker, paste it on said object and you can hear what a tool is thinking. He owns all kinds of exorcism trinkets.


ANEMIC Anemia is a condition in which your blood has a lower than normal number of red blood cells. As a person who suffers from this condition, Rinne easily faints with the loss of too much blood.

EMOTIONAL DAMAGE He hates wasting money over useless things or when he has to pay an extreme amount, he often takes "emotional damage" and cries tears of blood when his money is wasted.

JEALOUSY Getting a bit jealous at times which he has discribed in the past as a disgusting feeling, like 'stepping on a caterpillar in hell'.

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