Jahn Rixx

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Full Name:
Jahn Rixx
GEAS Morale Lt Commander.pngChief Morale Officer of the GSS Escapade
Young Adult
You look like you need to relax. I can help with that.

— Himself

Jahn is a GEAS fleet officer, currently assigned to the GSS Escapade as Chief Morale Officer. His duties are to improve morale and help the crew of his ship relieve stress. He uses his unique heritage and skills to perform said job admirably. He also can work as a diplomat or chef should those skills be needed.


Jahn is fun loving laid back and very free with his love. He likes to make other people happy and keep everyone in a good mood. He's typically always happy, though sometimes uses little tricks like pretending to be sad so someone else can 'cheer' him up to make them happy.


Jahn was born when a noble Betazoid ambassador had a dalliance with a Zeltron companion who came from a line of Zeltrons living in the Milky Way Galaxy, rather than Galaxy 1138. From an early age he was taught how to use his various abilities and eventually followed his mother into the diplomatic corps. After the third time he ended up in bed with the wrong person, he decided to change his choice of careers and went into the morale division of GEAS. Since many ships go a long time between shore leaves, having a morale division makes sense. In Jahn's case he used his natural looks and gifts that come from both his Zeltron and Betazoid sides, as well as training he'd learned from his companion father, to entertain the male members of the crew to relieve tensions.



ATHLETICS: Expert - He is in excellent shape, as his duties tend to keep him quite limber. Granted, his idea of a sport tends to be dancing or swimming rather than competitive sports, but he is also well-versed in most types of sports as they are great ways of increasing morale.

COMBAT: Novice - Jahn has basic self-defense training, but he knows that if a fight breaks out that unless it's a mental fight he's better off leaving it in the hands of others.

COMMAND: Competent - Having gone through various training classes, he is competent as a commander. Though likely not a primary choice, he knows how to if he needs to.

COOKING: Expert - One of the most rudimentary ways to cheer someone up is making their favorite meal. As such he's become an expert cook. Whether its Earth fare or something more exotic, he can probably prepare it, and whatever he cooks tends to be much more in demand than something replicated, biosequenced, or rehydrated.

DIPLOMACY: Expert - The child of a diplomat, Jahn joined the diplomatic corps but found certain expectations about fraternization hard to obey and chose a different direction to go in. He's still trained in diplomacy and etiquette and can act as a diplomat should the captain need him to.


ENTERTAINMENT: Expert - His primary job is to keep up morale. As such he's become an expert in various types of entertainment: throwing parties, organizing games, etc. This doesn't mean that he's an expert at every game in existence, of course, but he can make almost anything fun.

EXPRESSION: Expert - When not officially on duty Jahn tends to still be working, by working on various forms of expression: dancing, singing, painting. He isn't an expert in every type of expression there is of course, but he has many forms that he is an expert in, always learning new techniques and styles.

MEDIC: Competent - While not a doctor he can act as a field medic and perform first aid until someone with proper training arrives.

MENTAL DISCIPLINE: Competent - Born to two telepathic races, he's learned how to organize and protect his mind. He's got a strong will and can typically detect even without his pwoers if someone is trying to mess with his mind.

PERSONAL ENTERTAINMENT: Expert - Jahn is trained in various things from massage to intricate knot tying and various other intimate skills and techniques. He might not be quite as skilled as a seasoned professional companion, but he's far better than most.

PILOTING: Novice -

PSYCHOLOGY: Competent - Part of his training is to assess the psychological needs of the crew and, if needed, act as a counselor or a backup to said counselor. When it comes to humans, Zeltrons, or Betazoids this operates at a Expert level, though to all other species it works at a Competent level.

SCIENCE: Novice -

SOCIAL: Expert - He's an expert at reading social situations. Even without his empathy and telepathic abilities he can typically read a room with a look, and he knows how to ease tension or distract from problems.



PHEROMONE CONTROL: Supreme - natural pheromones that increase their attractiveness and likability to most species, including some non-sentients and most non-humanoids.

ENHANCED MENTALITY: Enhanced-level Power - Both Betazoids and Zeltrons have atypical brains. They think fast and differently than humans and most other species. Between this and his mental abilities and training, he's fast on his feet and has a strong mind that is hard to read or influence. He also learns far faster than a human and requires less sleep than a typical human.

PHEROMONES: Enhanced-level Power - As a Zeltron, Jahn possesses natural pheromones that increase his attractiveness and likability to most species, including some non-sentients and most non-humanoids.

TELEPATHY/EMPATHY: Supreme-level Power - Both Betazoids and Zeltrons are good at reading and influencing emotions. The combination has given him the ability to access emotions at a glance, typically even from those who are hiding them. With more effort he can pierce most shielding and resistance training. He can also affect people's emotions if he wants, but he tries not to do such consciously. Though, just being around him does tend to cheer people up.

Jahn is also a top-rate telepath. He was trained in both Zeltron and Betazoid techniques, as well as those of other races. He can sense non-corporeal entities and read minds or communicate with other telepaths as great range. He can also use his powers to talk with non-telepaths at a more limited range. With proper preparation he can impart or absorb "book" learning from others, but those these skills fade if he doesn't make effort to use or improve skills learned this way. He has learned that demonstrating his abilities makes non-telepaths nervous, so he tends to keep the depths of his abilities to himself.


DIPLOMATIC CONNECTIONS - Jahn's mother is a high-ranking noble on Betazed and also an accomplished diplomat. He also served in the diplomatic corps for a time. As such, he has several connections he can use if he needs information, safe harbor, or an "in" with someone.

GEAS OFFICER - Jahn is a Lieutenant Commander in GEAS and has all the perks an privileges of said rank. He also maintains his connections within the diplomatic corps.

MORALE OFFICER - His job is basically to keep morale up on long-term voyages during tense times or if shore leave can't happen. So, most of the time his duty is to literally have fun. Its a good job, and he enjoys it. In times of crisis he does have the training to operate as emergency medical personal, counselor, or diplomat.

POLYGLOT - Thanks to his telepathy he can speak virtually any language if he's had the privilege of meeting someone who speaks it. He does ask permission before hand if he can. As he's spent a lot of time with various linguists, he speaks a LARGE number of languages.

RESOURCES - Jahn doesn't typically have to pay for much. Using his charm and looks without meaning to, people are always offering to pay for him or comp things for him. As such he has pretty much his entire life's savings saved up, including a his trust fund that his mother set up for him.


CULTURE - Many Betazoids are bluntly honest, due to living in a society of telepaths. He's learned to temper that a little, but... he does tend to just say what he thinks, or keep his mouth shut. He doesn't tend to fib to spare feelings. Zeltrons are free with their affections. Jahn understands the concept of monogamy, but to him its high impractical and is basically completely precluded by his personal preferred method of improving morale.

ETHICS - Jahn has the power to read minds and do some other rather terrifying things with his psionic abilities. However, his ethics mean he typically only uses them to help other people or in survival situations.

STIGMA - While psionics aren't a secret, Jahn tends to keep the fact that he is a powerful telepath as secret as possible. Some species have prejudice against such things. It is understandable, given that if he wanted he could look into someone's mind in a bargaining session and know exactly what they're willing to do.

The following logs feature Jahn Rixx: No pages meet these criteria.

Faction Memberships


GEAS Morale Lt Commander.png Lt. Commander
Jahn is an officer in GEAS, holding the rank of lieutenant commander.

GSS Escapade

Morale Officer
Jahn is the chief morale officer of the GSS Escapade.

Character Connections