Yeah, yeah. 'Just a sidekick,' blah, blah, blah. Guess who just side-KICKED your ASS!? |
— Himself |
On the surface, Gavin Moore is your average, reasonably socially conscious and upstanding red-blooded American teenager. But Gavin is secretly attends the exclusive super-school, Sky High, where he's an upperclassman learning about power control and the role of superhumans in society. As his alter ego, Dynaboy, he's an experienced junior partner, partnering with quite a variety of well-known heroes. That's right--he's a sidekick, and he's proud!
Gavin is in many ways the classic hero with a heart of gold, but he's not without his quirks. While he certainly has a strong moral center and feels driven to help and protect others, he also has a distinctly epicurean side. While he often performs large acts of heroics, he often seeks to reward himself with little things, whether it be a night out on the town with a paramour or just indulging his sweet tooth. He can also be playful to the point of mischievousness, and he can be a bit of a shameless show-off at times. While sometimes it seems he knows no shame, at the same time he's always ready to put it all aside and leap into action to protect the innocent.
Gavin Moore was born with a latent cosmic power to become more like anyone he declares his Hero. Orphaned at a young age, he grew up idolizing superheroes and was very protective of his younger brother, Owen. When, around the age of twelve, he was admiring a superhero, he found himself suddenly manifesting that hero's powers--strength, flight, and the works! Gavin tracked down the hero and talked his way into became his sidekick at that tender age, taking on the identity of Dynaboy. He has assisted various heroes since then. However, none have kept him on for very long, for one reason or another. He attends Sky High and is currently an upperclassman, studying superhuman powers and the role of superhuman beings in society.
ATHLETICS - Expert: Aerobatics, sports, general athletics.
INTELLECT - Competent: Gifted mind, general "smarts."
KNOWLEDGE - Competent: Well-educated, superhero expert, villain expert, super-science, typical world knowledge.
PERFORMANCE - Novice: Gifted amateur, basic skills in drama and performing.
PILOTING - Competent: Aircraft, spacecraft, various super-craft.
TECHNOLOGY - Competent: Typical modern tech, super-tech, alien tech.
BASE DEXTERITY - Enhanced: When not Sidekicking for a hero, Gavin still has generally enhanced physical traits. His dexterity is Enhanced when on his own.
BASE FLIGHT - Basic: When not Sidekicking for a hero, Gavin still has some powers to fall back on. Apart from an enhanced physique, he also has the basic ability to levitate and fly. This power is limited, by default, to no faster than highway speeds, topping out at about 100 miles per hour.
BASE SENSES - Enhanced: When not Sidekicking for a hero, Gavin still has generally enhanced physical traits. His senses are Enhanced when on his own.
BASE STRENGTH - Enhanced: When not Sidekicking for a hero, Gavin still has generally enhanced physical traits. His strength is Enhanced when on his own.
COSMIC PHYSIOLOGY - Supreme: As a cosmically empowered being, Gavin is virtually invulnerable to most forms of damage, regardless of what hero he's Sidekicking for. He does still have specific weaknesses that may allow him to be defeated despite this. (Detailed separately.) In addition to being very durable, he's effectively immune to disease, toxins, and most other unpleasant things that would actually harm him. (However, substances designed only to incapacitate him are a bit more effective. It's harder to drug him than a normal human, but it can be done.) His powers also leave his physical body somewhat mutable. As a side effect of his powers, sometimes his body will actually change in small ways based on subconscious factors, such as becoming a bit taller or more muscular, subtly changing his facial features, and so forth. This helps him maintain his secret identity.
This power also makes it effectively impossible to directly alter Gavin's body against his will, dampen (or suppress/remove/etc.) his powers (except via methods noted directly in his weaknesses), or otherwise directly manipulate his fundamental physical being via any means (sorcery, reality manipulation, power-suppression technology, etc.) His cosmic nature simply renders such attempts against him ineffectual.
SIDEKICKING - Supreme: Gavin was born a superhuman who channels cosmic energies. These forces allow him to alter himself based on his relationships to other people. Specifically, if he declares someone his Hero and is accepted by them, he is then able to emulate their powers as if they were his own. He is also able to sense the powers of others quite accurately (within the boundaries of consent), allowing him to perceive the strengths of a potential Hero.
He does not gain a Hero's experience or skill with a power, only the powers themselves. If any of these powers overlap with his own base powers, he has access to whichever is stronger. He may also gain the weaknesses of his hero in some cases, but usually his own specific weaknesses persist instead. (So, if he were Superman's sidekick, he would gain similar powers but would not necessarily be weakened by Kryptonite.)
Gavin can only have one Hero at a time. His current hero is Wonder Boy, AKA Donny Troy. This relationship grants Gavin the following powers:
- Magic Resistance [Basic] - Gavin is able to resist magic at a minor level, thanks to the mystic link that being connected to Wonder Boy offers.
- Super Strength [Supreme] - Since Wonder Boy's super strength is much greater than Gavin's, his super strength is increased to the Supreme class. He's not at the "upper end" of supreme, not as strong as someone like Wonder Woman herself, but he's much stronger than his normal Enhanced baseline.
CONTACTS Having worked with many superheroes in the past, Gavin has the ability to contact quite a few of them. Many are even kindly enough disposed toward him that they would help him out if he were in a fix, or at least they might give him a bit of guidance when he needs it.
GEAR Gavin has standard-issue hero gear. This includes a wrist device that has all the functions of a smart phone and then some, projecting a holographic output and serving as a portable computer and global communication device. It also stores his costume and can swap it with his street clothes instantly. The costume itself is extremely durable and can take extreme amounts of punishment before it is damaged, and when returned to the cuff it can be repaired within a few hours.
RESOURCES Various benefactors have paid into a trust fund over the years, ensuring that Gavin's financial needs will be taken care of in the future. The first to pay into this account were his parents, of course, but some of the heroes he's worked with have also chosen to do so. Thanks to wise investment advice from his family, his money has grown, and he can now live a comfortably upscale lifestyle (if not a wholly lavish one) without worrying about money.
OBEDIENCE The drawback to borrowing the powers of a Hero is that Gavin also becomes bound to that Hero in other ways. For instance, he must obey his Hero in all things as long as the instructions are suitably ethical. These instructions must also be immediate, rather than permanent. So, "Go home and go to bed" is acceptable, but "Never sneak out after curfew again" would not work, nor would asking Gavin to do something he believes is fundamentally immoral.
PAIN Despite being virtually invulnerable to damage, Gavin has no invulnerability to pain. Even if he were to emulate Superman's powers, bullets would still sting when they hit him, even if they didn't leave a mark on him. As pain can be itself incapacitating, this means Gavin can be subdued even without being injured.
WEAKNESS Gavin does have a kind of Kryptonite or, more accurately, an Achilles Heel that can render him fairly helpless. If this were discovered by his enemies, it could give them a tremendous advantage over him.