Time for you to learn what mastodon power is all about! |
— Himself |
Given the abilities of the Black Ranger by the Black Power Crystal, Zack is finding a place where he can fit in and do some good. Zack's love of martial arts and dancing have given him a unique style of fighting, and he uses it to protect the planet and his friends, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
Zachary Taylor, Zack to his friends, is an energetic, charismatic, and fun-loving young man. Shortly after meeting someone new, he's already trying to include them in activities and conversations. Some might consider him superficial, but for his friends there is nothing he wouldn't do. While not diagnosed with an attention disorders, Zack can frequently move from topic to topic or find fascination with something new in the middle of whatever task he is doing.
Though he grew up playing sports and studying martial arts, Zachary Taylor was never quite in the popular crowd or one of the 'go to' boys for dates and other activities in high school. He had friends who were though, and he also had friends who were more low key, some in drama and some from dance classes. Though he wasn't always in the 'in crowd' he did his best to treat everyone nicely and with fairness. He graduated high school with a mix of good and average grades.
Zack took a year off before going to college and, even after, had difficulty settling on a major. It seemed that when he would think he'd decided, another option would present itself and he would want to pursue that. As of this writing, he was studying hospitality with hopes of maybe working at a hotel or resort.
It was about six months ago that he was coming home from a fraternity party and took the more scenic route back to his apartment. A house fire was blazing a few blocks away and without hesitation Zack rushed to the scene to help. The fire department wasn't there yet and when Zack heard children crying for help, he rushed into the building. He was able to safely drop the brother and sister down to some neighbors from the second floor. However, Zack wasn't able to get back out on his own and passed out from the smoke inhalation. The firefighters who arrived were able to pull him from the building as it came crashing down. When he awoke in the hospital, recovering from the trauma, he found a package waiting for him that none of the nurses had seen be delivered.
Upon opening it (after his release from the hospital, of course), he discovered a black transformation crystal that when he grasped, provided him a powersuit and enhanced his abilities. Not wanting to expose his loved ones to danger, he's kept it a secret. He's been learning how to use the powers and has been seen around campus helping out those in need. He has a feeling there are others out there with similar powers and he's been searching for others to join the Black Power Ranger.
Athletics - Competent Level
Having played many sports, including baseball and football, Zack has great skills as an athlete to see him through.
Dancing - Competent Level
Zack's love of dancing extends to all types, but he prefers a good dance beat with electronics music.
Future Tech - Novice Level
The technology of the Rangers is still new to Zack but he's eager to learn how to use it all.
Hand-To-Hand - Competent Level
Zack has learned to combine his dancing and martial arts into a unique fighting style he calls "Hip-Hop Kido."
Marksmanship - Competent Level
Zack's natural agility and hand-eye-coordination have made him a competent shot with his suit's blaster.
Scuba Diving - Competent Level
Zack has his scuba diving certification.
Staff Fighting - Novice Level
The staff is still new to Zack as he prefers hand-to-hand. However, he is improving with every fight and has been using his staff with more confidence and skill lately.
Stage Magic - Novice Level
Having enjoyed magic as a child, Zack has begun studying some basis magic as a way to entertain others.
Swordsmanship - Novice Level
Using a sword is still new to Zack as he prefers hand-to-hand. However, he is improving with every fight and has been using his sword more often.
Taekwondo - Competent Level
Zack has been taking Taekwondo lessons since he was young, and has achieved the rank of Blackbelt, Second Dan.
Tech: Dinozord - Enhanced+ Level
When the battle gets intense, the Black Ranger is able to summon the Mastodon DinoZord. This large mecha packs quite a punch with its tusks and trample ability. In addition, it can spray a large cone of cold at enemies, potentially freezing them in their tracks.
Power: Enhanced Agility - Enhanced Level
His years of training in dance and martial arts left Zack quite agile and dexterous and that has only increased greatly due to his becoming the Black Ranger. He is able to dodge attacks, land well timed punches, and react with precision.
Power: Enhanced Strength - Basic+ Level
Zack's natural strength has been enhanced through the power crystal that turned him into the Black Ranger. He's also to run faster, fight longer, and jump further than he had been.
Tech: Powersuit - Basic+ Level
The powersuit for the Black Ranger increases invulnerability up to Basic+ levels, includes a communication module, blaster, and power sword. A holographic output on his helmet, visible to only the wearer, allows him to monitor an advanced display when he is suited up.
Tech: Power Blaster - Enhanced Level
Zack has a gun that shoots laser blasts and helps him defend his friends and protect the earth. It deals Enhanced-level damage as an energy weapon.
Tech: Power Morpher - Basic Level
This is the device that Zack uses to transform into the Black Power Ranger.
Tech: Power Staff - Enhanced Level
With the Powersuit comes a bo staff that Zack uses in conjunction with his fighting style. The staff has a metal handle and when activated, twin rods of black light energy extend from either end. It deals up to Enhanced-level damage when wielded with proficiency.
As the Black Ranger, Zack has advantages that come with his position on the team, such as access to his advanced technology, use of the Power Rangers' headquarters, and the support of his teammates.
As the outgoing, fun loving member, Zack also has a tendency to get easily distracted with the newest gadget, trend, or shiny thing.
He's a team player, and Zack will never leave a teammate behind, even if it puts him in more danger.
Zack, while exuding outward confidence, is an arachnophobia, ophidophobe, and entomophobe, making him afraid of spiders, snakes, and insects.