Arth Wild: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Character <!-- On the game, type 'wiki <name>' and past the resulting code below this line. --> |facs=<!-- For this section, enter any notable faction/group memberships. --> <!-- End faction/group memberships. --> |assoc=<!-- For this section, enter any important character associations. --> <!-- End associations. --> |fullname=Arthur Michael Wild |aka="Arth" |position=Wild Boy |age=Youth |species={{Cat|Species: |Primal Human}} |type={{Cat|Type: OC|OC}} |source= |world...")
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|position=Wild Boy
|position=Wild Boy
|species={{Cat|Species: |Primal Human}}
|species={{Cat|Species: Human|Primal Human}}
|type={{Cat|Type: OC|OC}}
|type={{Cat|Type: OC|OC}}

Latest revision as of 03:11, 14 August 2024


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Full Name:
Arthur Michael Wild
Wild Boy
The son of a nature spirit, Arth Wild is a world-traveling primal human, born of mystic bloodlines and strongly linked to nature, with a special kinship to animals and wild creatures. Searching for his place in the worlds, he has wandered from place to place for most of his life, an eternal youth of light spirit and whimsical disposition.


A nature spirit had an encounter with a spiritually primal man, and the eventual result was the boy who became known as Arthur Michael Wild. The name was bestowed by the spirit, said to have some kind of meaning behind it. "Arthur" is perhaps a reference of some sort to the man who sired him, though he prefers to shorten it to "Arth," and "Wild" speaks to his connection to nature. As for "Michael," maybe the spirit just liked the sound of it. Arth isn't sure, and he doesn't especially care. Growing up traveling from place to place, he's been partly raised by humans, partly by animals, and lives very comfortably in nature. As a wanderer of the worlds, he still travels freely, though he will occasionally settle down for a while in a place if he finds it comfortable enough.


Animal Kinship - Expert Level

Athletics - Expert Level

Brawling - Competent Level

Charm - Competent Level

Performance - Novice Level

Survival - Expert Level


Innate: Primal Agility - Enhanced Level

Arth is extremely agile, with reflexes about fifty times those of a normal human. He can run at highway racing speeds, peaking at around 250 miles per hour. Thanks to his robust physical form, he can maintain high levels of activity nearly indefinitely so long as he is properly nourished.

Innate: Primal Body - Supreme Level

As the son of a nature spirit, Arth is ageless, immune to disease, and extremely resistant to physical harm, toxins, and other hazards. He takes superficial damage more easily than serious damage, so it's easier to bruise him than it is to cut him or break his bones, and he recovers rapidly.

A single night's sleep is enough to restore nearly any damage, and the more serious the harm, the more quickly he recovers. If he were very seriously hurt, such as losing a limb, it might take him longer to recover, up to a week or more, but in due time he will always return to perfect physical health.

With a primal metabolism, he can also go long periods without food or drink with little ill effect, and likewise he can eat or drink to great excess with little ill effect, as his body is extremely efficient in how it processes nutrients. He can easily consume hazardous substances that would harm most normal humans, treating them as food, though most things that aren't food don't give him much sustenance.

Innate: Primal Bond - Enhanced Level

Arth has a primal bond with nature. As a result of this, he can communicate with most animals, and most animals readily see him as friend rather than foe. He can also link with an animal, allowing him to share thoughts with it or even allowing it to borrow the traits of his Primal Body ability. Mainly, this allows him to ensure that animals he is close to never grow old and remain healthy, but he can also lend a portion of his healing abilities more casually to animals he has met, dulling their pain, removing their injuries, or curing their ailments.

Innate: Primal Senses - Enhanced Level

Arth has the proverbial eyes of an hawk or an owl, the sense of smell of a wolf or a hound, and the hearing of a cat or a bat. Along with this comes an extremely keen sense of taste, so he tends to appreciate good food and drink.

Innate: Primal Strength - Enhanced Level

Arth has great primal strength, sufficient to bend and twist metal bars, smash through most non-armored structures, and break through a brick wall with sustained moderate effort. He is usually able to push up to a few tons and could dead lift a small motor vehicle.

Innate: Primal Will - Enhanced Level

Arth has inherited primal strength of spirit and of will, so while it's possible to attack his mind of even subtly influence him, it's nearly impossible to actually rob him of his free will or actually control his mind. When it comes to manipulation, the subtler the effect, the more likely it is to work on him. In the case of mental attacks, he's much more resistant than a typical human, but he can still be harmed. If sufficiently mentally damaged, he will lose consciousness until he can recover, which usually happens within a few hours or so.


Nature Bond

Arth's connection to nature is a source of great strength, but it also comes with some strings attached. For one, his animal empathy means he's very particular about how animals are treated. He doesn't eat meat, and he finds it very hard to tolerate any abuse of animals. He also feels most comfortable in natural settings and tends to avoid staying in urbanized or less natural locations for too long at a time.

Wild Boy

Arth is a wild boy at heart. He tends to be whimsical and lighthearted, and he doesn't always pay the most attention to things he doesn't care about. He can be mischievous and playful, and he can seem irresponsible at times since his priorities are quite different to those of typical people.

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