Flowers of the Moon

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Name: The Flowers of the Moon
Area: Futura
World: Unknown

The Flowers of the Moon, also referred to as just Flowers in day-to-day parlance, are an order of spiritual healers. Their central base of operations is the Moon of the Gardens, a moon that is, appropriately, completely covered in gardens above and below ground, all of which are tended to by the Flowers and their order.

The Flowers train and study for as long as they choose, to develop and cultivate the skills of healing. They are able to tap into a power that is often seen as supernatural, but to the Flowers, this is only nature itself; it is comparable to the Force. Flowers are typically able to access this power to some extent and, through it, most exhibit a number of powers.

These can include but are not limited to: holistic healing, which includes spiritual, emotional, and mental, as well as physical; sensation enhancement; minor illusions and sensory accentuation; visions and premonitions; empathy; soothing calm; telekinesis; and numerous other applications. There are a smaller number of Flowers who focus on more physical and martial abilities, due to the persistent threat of forces such as Empire Galactic, who have always been enemies of the Flowers.

Most Flowers will learn at least a basic, perfunctory martial art, for fundamental protection. The few Flowers who dedicate themselves to a more physical, combative focus often travel, to ensure the safety of the many Flowers traveling in the universe. Taking a life is abhorrent to the Flowers, and they will usually try every other option before resorting to anything that would result in loss of life to any living thing.

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