2020.07.31 - Hypership Carwash Romance: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 23:32, 31 July 2020

Rating Warning: Suggestive and somewhat steamy but non-explicit romance.

Hypership Carwash and Romance at Sunset
No noteworthy NPCs

Knick and Kon share a romantic moment as they wash the Hypership and discuss their future with Tim.

Soap. Soap and suds. Lots of soap suds. Knick Alen, aka Skyboy, was washing the Hypership. Music playing in the background. Just random pop music intermixed occasionally with some sort of K-pop or something. He is wearing board shorts, and otherwise shirtless. A giant glob of soap suds perched like a crown on top of his head. But he hasn't seemed to notice. Yes. He could do this at super-speed. But where would be the fun in that? Some things it was just better to do at a more relaxed pace.

Kon hears the music and the water, leading him to wander out of the ship, blinking as wat drips onto him when the airlock cycles open. He cocks an eyebrow, then adjusts his costume generator, and soon enough he's approaching Knick, dressed just in his favorite red speedo with the gold S-shield across the seat. He reaches up to steal a bit of the foam from atop Knick's head, blowing it from his fingertip at his lifemate and grinning at him. "You want a hand with that, sexy?" he asks, tone light and playful, and without waiting for an answer leans in to give Knick a kiss, the kind he almost always gives, that's lingering and steamy, an invitation and a promise all at once.

Knick Alen blinks as Kon removes soap from his hair. "Sprock, how'd that get ther--" Then there is kissing. Mmm, Kissing. Lots of very very good kissing. Knick slips an arm around Kon, the one without the soapy sponge. Pulling him close and letting the kiss linger. Finally breaking it he smiles that special smile. The one he saves for Kon. "Sure babe, I just figured with people visiting lately. Well, have to make a good impression!" He shrugs and looks at the ship. "Getting a little salt build up on the beach all the time."

"Oh, cool," Kon laughs. "I'll help!" He cheekily goes to dab the last of the suds from his finger onto Knick's nose, then grabs a sponge from the bucket of soapy water that, by rights, has to be around somewhere. He flies nimbly up above the Hypership, floating just above it, and starts to help out, scrubbing down the ship's hull and working on those salt deposits. He actually works at it quite effectively, not that the casual observer would notice--because he's also making it a point to get himself covered in soap suds and thoroughly soaked as he works, since what's the fun of a car wash if one doesn't get completely covered in soap and water? Besides, Kon has never to date failed to take advantage of such a golden opportunity to show himself off for Knick, and this is no exception. His arms flex, his hips gyrate, and he generally makes quite a spectacle as he zips up and down the length of the ship, dripping sponge in hand.

Knick Alen gradually, well fairly quickly really, starts to become much less efficient in his cleaning regimen for the Hyper Ship. But hey it was memory metal, Hyper Ship clean thyself! Eventually Knick has given up any pretense of actually cleaning. He is just watching the show Kon is putting on for him. Love and adoration in his eyes, one soapy hand popping up his head, chin resting in the soapy palm. This was why they didn't get things done. This was also Knick so not caring.

When Kon finishes the dorsal side of the Hypership, he drops back down to land beside Knick. It must be noted at this point that apart from the obvious facts, like Kon's form glistening with soapy water and his wet speedo clinging in all the right ways, his hair has also ended up somehow completely soapy, spiked almost totally vertical like one of those Japanese cartoons that he insists isn't as good as Wendy. (Well, to be fair, he says that about every show that's ever been on TV, so.) Smirking, Kon tosses the soapy sponge at his lifemate, teasing, "You're not even here to work. You just like seeing me covered in suds!" Not that Kon's complaining, as a second later he follows the sponge, pouncing at Knick with a playful whoop and absolutely know idea how he'll land, but of course trusting that however it is, Knick can figure it out.

Knick Alen laughs and dodges the soapy sponge. Not so much the soapy Kon. Laughing he angles them to fall into the surf together. It would be a bone jarring landing for most. But more of a beach jarring landing since well, Kryptonian. "No! I like seeing you covered in--" He starts kissing Kon at super-speed. With more than a few planted on a soapy, now slightly salty, speedo. I mean it was rude not to finish his sentence. But well, actions do speak louder than words after all!

Sprawled in the shallows, Kon breaks into helpless laughter at Knick's cheesy but endearing assault of kisses. He can't resist wrestling playfully with Knick some, not so much trying to avoid the kisses as trying to find increasingly more silly or flirty places to kiss back. Wrapping his arms around Knick's shoulders at one point, he leans in to kiss him properly, a little less lingering but no less intense, and when they part he grins and says, "Easy with kissing on the speedo, Babe. Remember what happened the last time you kissed my ass?" For most, it might seem a jarring or antagonistic thing to say. Knick, of course, will know exactly why Kon's said it, and--well, that's just the kind of inside reference that the two lifemates have such an endless supply of.

Knick Alen laughs and shrugs a little sheepishly. "I know, but hey. I know what I like." He takes a breath and kind of flops on top of Kon. "It. It feels like back near the beginning when we are here, doesn't it? Like before so many gods and monsters and cities and nations and planets." He doesn't say that /other/ thing. But yes that too. "I mean it feels like, back when The Sanctuary was sitting in New York Harbor. Back when everything was just. More innocent. When we had more time for just, well, us. Is it just me, or do you feel it too?"

Kon hugs Knick against him, maybe just a little tighter than normal. He buries his face against his lifemate's shoulder, listening as he speaks, then he lifts his head again to smile at Knick, nodding some. "I know what you mean. Maybe that's why I like it here. Home's amazing. It's home, but here...we're just us. There's nothing...y'know, in the way of that. He tilts his head to rest it against Knick's, then says, "Maybe in a way this world...is more innocent? I dunno. Like, maybe here just...a lot of bad things haven't happened. Maybe that's just how it feels 'cause we're basically on vacation here. But, maybe there's something. Or maybe it's just that we're making it that way. Doesn't really matter, maybe. But I like it. I love just...being together. I guess, really?" He turns his head a bit more, shifting so he can look Knick in the eyes. "I don't know if I think it feels more 'innocent,' exactly. It just feels more...simple? Maybe even more...like it can be just us. I mean, not as in we're alone. There's Seth sometimes, there's Tim, there's others. But here, it feels like we make things us. Not Superboy and Skyboy. Not Sanctuary and New Krypton. Not...all those other things that I know we both love, too. But here, it's like we take this deep breath and inside it...we're just us." It's quite a speech for Kon. But it's from the heart.

Knick Alen listens to Kon and nods more than once at what he is saying. Finally when it is all said, he seems to think some as well. Distracting himself by kissing Kon's bare chest. Like, a lot. Because he needed time to think, yes sure, lets go with that. Finally he just speaks a single word, and then goes back to kissing for another few moments. "Tendax." After he comes back up for air. Not because he had to, that would be days. He looks at Kon. "You right, it is like we are on vacation. It is like being in Tendax. Still things to do, to get done. But it is all less pressing somehow." He sighs and nuzzles into his life-mate's chest. "You know. We should take Tim there...To Tendax. I think he would like it."

The kissing is very nice. It brings that wide, pleased smile to his lips as he just enjoys laying there in the foam of the sea, Knick lavishing attention as he likes, Kon not passive so much as just completely relaxed and content. At the mention of Tendax, he smiles and sits up some, reaching to slide his arms around Knick's neck. "We should make it really special for him," he says, knowing that despite the innocence of the remark, Knick will take its true meaning. "Show him some of our favorite places. Share some of those memories. Then...make it something he'll never forget."

Knick Alen sighs and smiles, brushing his hair out of his face. It was starting to get a bit long actually, almost to his shoulders. Stroking Kon's chest he nodded thoughtfully. They were thinking largely the same. But then that was a fairly common phenomenon, even before their life-mate ceremony. But particularly after it. Now as the Avatar and the Heart of Krypton. Well, yes, lots more. "Yes, thats exactly what I was thinking."

Kon's noticed the growing hair, of course. He likes it. Of course, he'd love Knick with any hairstyle, but something about the longer hair lately seems to represent something relaxed, even carefree. And he really likes that. Returning the smile, his eyes alight with a bright sparkle, Kon says, "Well, you're a really smart guy. You've always got the best ideas." Then, silhouetted against the setting sun, he leans in to kiss Knick again, as intense as ever, but this time it's a slow burn, the heat rising as the kiss lingers, and that random shuffle of pop music in the background might as easily be the swell of a symphonic crescendo, the strains of music rising to the same peaks of ecstasy that the two young lovers are sharing and will, no doubt at all, soon be sharing even more deeply, when what little clothing they have on falls away, and they join together in that love as the first stars begin to appear in the sky.
